UNIVA America, Inc. supported Koransha, the long-established manufacture of Arita porcelain in Japan, to exhibit at NY NOW Winter 2020. NY NOW Winter was held at Jacob K. Javits Center in Manhattan, NYC, from February 2nd to February 5th, 2020. UAI executed a total support, from the initial preparation, such as booth design, creating promotional materials, negotiations with the organizer of NY NOW, receiving products from Japan, or booth set-up, to sales at the booth during the show. UAI also follow ups with show attendees after the show.

This is a part of the sales support in the US, which UAI made a contract with Koransha on October 1st, 2019. UAI will continue to approach buyers or retail stores in the US through exhibiting trade shows or individual sales and make more opportunities that they feel and experience the beauty of amazing Arita porcelains from Koransha. And UAI will support Koransha to expand their market into the US.