EUniva America Inc. has invited influencers not only from sports industry but also from fashion industry, medias, and other various industries to take place a private group ride to let them experience revolutionary urban style bicycles equipped with components from SHIMANO Inc. The event was held at SHIMANO BIKE NYC, SHIMANO Inc.’s pop up store which UAI has been managing and operating from the beginning.

On that day, we had 35 influencers came to the store. They tried out some bikes before the ride to make sure to pick the one they were comfortable with. All of them enjoyed the round trip from Manhattan to Brooklyn through Brooklyn Bridge. Since the weather was perfectly sunny, the ride was such a pleasant experience. After the ride, we held a reception at the store. Everyone seemed excited about SHIMANO’s latest bike components they have just tried. We got many wonderful feedbacks from them. Some were impressed with the comfortable riding and smooth gear changes, and some felt how pleasant riding bike was.

Those influencers who realized that urban bikes would make the life in the city more comfortable shared this experience with their photos of them and bikes or stories on their social media account.


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